VL2 Entrepreneurial Orientation


Flashcards on VL2 Entrepreneurial Orientation, created by Christian Weibel on 23/05/2018.
Christian Weibel
Flashcards by Christian Weibel, updated more than 1 year ago
Christian Weibel
Created by Christian Weibel almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is entrepreneurial orientation? Strategy making process that provides organizations with a basis for entrepreneurial decisions and actions
5 EO Dimensions 1. Autonomy 2. Innovativeness 3. Risk Taking 4. Proactiveness 5. Competitive Aggresiveness
What means autonomy? Freedom which is granted to employees to exercise creativity and develop ideas. Without control from top management.
How to foster external autonomy? - Avoid cluster risks with suppliers and customers - Remain financially independent
What means innovativeness? Firm's tendency to engage in and support new ideas which may result in new products, services, or processes.
General categories of innovation Radical innovation vs. icremental innovation. Blockbuster vs. Step-by-Step.
4 Innovation Forms 1. Imitation 2. Continuous innovation 3. Dynamically continuous innovation 4. Discontinuous innovation
9x Effect? Consumers are usually: 1. Skeptical about sth new 2. Unable to see the need 3. Quick to see what they already own Companies are often: 1. Convinced that the innovation works 2. Likely to see a need for the product 3. Viewing the innovation as the benchmark
What means risk-taking? Degree to which managers are willing to make large and risky resource commitments. Willingness to innovate.
3 Dimensions of Risk-Taking 1. Risk of losing control 2. Risk of organizational failure 3. Ownership risk
What means proactiveness? Anticipating and acting on future needs by seeking new opportunities. First mover advantage (or mistakes).
What means competitive aggressiveness? Firm's behavior of directly and intensely challenge its competitors to improve the own position
How much EO is needed? Find a good balance for all dimensions is key!
Red ocean strategy Market where competition is high, price pressure is severe, and differentiation is difficult to achieve
Blue ocean strategy Market which can be created by changing factors influencing customer values. Competitors are pushed back.
Blue Ocean: What means value innovation? Simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost. Creating a leap in value for the buyers and the company.
Blue Ocean: What means the value curve? Shows how a company configures its offerings. Eliminate, create, reduce, and raise sth
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