01 Definition


Leadership in Organizations Flashcards on 01 Definition, created by Josefine Marie on 15/10/2020.
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Management Management: produces order and consistency - Planning and Budgeting (agendas, timetables, allocate resources) - Organizing and Staffing (Provide structures, make job placements, establish rules + procedures) - Controlling and Problem Solving (Develop incentives, generate creative solutions, take corrective actions)
Leadership Leadership: produces change and movement - Establishing Direction (create a vision, clarify big picture, set strategies) - Aligning People (Communicate goals, seek commitment among all stakeholders, build teams and coalitions) - Motivating and Inspiring (Inspire and energize, empower subordinates, satisfy unmet needs)
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