03 Leader Power


Leadership in Organizations Flashcards on 03 Leader Power, created by Josefine Marie on 15/10/2020.
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Personal Power Expert Power: individuals is recognized as an expert based on special skills or knowledge. This allows this individual to yield power over others. Referent Power: means that an individual has influence over others because others identify with that individual who has desirable resources or personal traits (eg charisma)
Formal Power - Legitimate Power: Power a person receives as result of her position in formal hierarchy of organization (promotion to line manager eg) - Reward Power: Individual has ability to achieve compliance of others by distributing and controlling rewards (eg financial incentives, free time, praise,…) - Coercive Power: Individual has ability to achieve compliance by being able to punish others. Dependent on fear of the negative result from failing to comply. - Informational Power (has been added later): ability to bring about change in an organization by the resource of information - Ecological Power (has been added later): control over physical environment, technology and organization of work
Changes to Power Holders Types of Change: Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral and Neurochemical
Evaluation of Leader Power Approach Strengths: + intuitively appealing approach as everyone experiences some sort of power at the workplace + can be seen from an attribute or relational point of view Weaknesses: - limited research interest (leader power has not been a major variable in leadership theories and research) - role of attributions of power (likely influenced by success) and thus unclear causality
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