12 Leader-Member Exchange Theory


Relational Approach
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie over 4 years ago

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Question Answer
Evolution of LMX to Team Making Stage 1: Vertical Dyad Linkage (Validation of differentiation within work units) Stage 2: Leader-Member-Exchange (Validation of differentiated relationship for organizational outcomes) Stage 3: Leadership-Making (Theory and exploration of dyadic relationship development) Stage 4: Team Making competence Network (Investigation of assembling dyads into larger collectivities)
Leader-Member- Exchange (LMX) VDL focused on differences between in and out groups. Leader-Member Exchange: exchanges of resources between leaders+followers Leader: interesting tasks, greater responsibility, sharing of information, involvment in decision making, rewards, facilitation of subordinates career. Subordinate: working harder, more commited, loyal, carrying out additional responsibilities
LMX Outcomes: Job Attitutes Individual level: + job satisfaction, job related wellbeing, empowerment organizational commitment - job stress, turnover intentions Dyadic level: + better workplace frindships, leader support, leader delegation, consulation Organizational level: + perceived justice
LMX Outcomes: Performance Individual level: + task performance, role clarity - role conflict Dyadic level: higher frequency of promotions Organizational level: + organizational citizenship behavior - counterproductive work behavior
Leadership Making (Stage 3) A leader should develop high-quality exchanges with all of his or her subordinates rather than just with a few 3 Phases of leadership-making: 1 Stranger: role scripted, influence one-way, exchange low quality, self interest 2 Accquaintance: role tested, influence mixed, exchange medium quality, interest in self and others 3 Partnership: roles negotiated, influence reciprocal, exchange high quality, interest in group
Team Making & Competence Network (Stage 4) Relationships within teams: - collections of leadership relationships between members and leaders and of relationships between members - effects of LMX patterns on team Relationships across teams or organizations and networks: - extended model of LMX also includes leadership relationships between team members+ their coworkers outside of their nuclear team
Evaluation of LMX Theory Strengths: - validates our experience about relationships withing organizations - focus on dydic relationship - importance of communication in leadership Weakness: - basic theoretical ideas not fully developed - measurement of lmx is being questioned - reciprocal causality in the assumed effects on organizational outcomes possible
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