Neurochemistry - alzheimer


Learning about alzheimer in cards...
Johanna Brinkmann
Flashcards by Johanna Brinkmann, updated more than 1 year ago
Johanna Brinkmann
Created by Johanna Brinkmann over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the most common form of dementia? When was it first described? Alzheimer's disease; 1906
Examples for mild, moderate and severe stages of Alzheimer Mild: Memory loss, language problems Moderate: Behavior & personality, learning Severe: Gait changes, incontinence, bedridden
What is the most accurate method to confirm Alzheimer? Histologically post-mortem
How is Alzheimer diagnosed? Patient history, information from relatives, clinical observations; Check for alternative conditions: CT, MRT, SPECT, PET
What are plaques? (Amyloid / Diffuse Aß) plaques (=AßPs): mostly insoluble deposits of amyloid beta peptides outside neurons. Normally broken down in healthy body.
What are tangles? (Neurofibrillary) tangles (or neuritic plaques=NPs): insoluble twisted fibers of the protein tau inside the cells. Destroys structure of cell's cytoskeleton. Tau normally is a reinforcing part of the microtubuli.
What is destroyed in Alzheimer and where? Neurons & synapses in temporal lobe, parietal lobe and parts of frontal cortex and gyrus cinguli. (-> atrophy of these regions)
In Alzheimer, acetylcholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain degenerate - what are typical cell populations in young, elderly and AD people? Young: 400,000 to 475,000 Elderly: less than half (140,000) AD: 45,000 to 100,000
What medications are currently used to treat the coginitive problems of AD? Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (e.g. tacrine) NMDA receptor antagonist (memantine). No effects could be clearly shown!
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