The Vineyard Cycle


WSET Level 3 Viticulture (The Vineyard) Flussdiagramm am The Vineyard Cycle, erstellt von Michelle Ames am 19/11/2018.
Michelle Ames
Flussdiagramm von Michelle Ames, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Michelle Ames
Erstellt von Michelle Ames vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Weeping and Budburst March-Apr (Sep-Oct) Depends on grape variety, but growing season generally begins when mean daily temp above 10C.
  • Early Shoot and Leaf Growth March-May (Sep-Nov) Vines need a good supply of water and sufficient nutrients at this time.
  • Flowering and Fruit Set May-June (Nov-Dec) At the start of flowering vines need warm temps, sunshine and little rain for pollination.
  • Veraison and Berry Ripening July-Sep (Jan-March) During ripening, sugar levels rise and acid levels drop. Colour pigments and flavour compounds accumulate, and tannin develops. Warm, sunny conditions with mild water stress is ideal. Summer pruning and green harvesting may take place at this time.
  • Harvest Sep-Oct (March-Apr) Grapes are ideally harvested when the best balance between sugar, acidity and flavour is achieved. This will depend on the grape variety and ultimately what wine style is to be made.
  • Winter Dormancy Dec-March (July-Sep) Shoots become woody (canes), leaves fall off and the vine stores carbohydrates in its roots. Freeze can kill buds or entire vines. Winter pruning takes place during this time. 
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