Chapter 22 Concept Map 2/4


Biology 1108 Flussdiagramm am Chapter 22 Concept Map 2/4, erstellt von Hope Long am 20/02/2019.
Hope Long
Flussdiagramm von Hope Long, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Hope Long
Erstellt von Hope Long vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource


  • Non-Evolutionary Thought
  • Plato & Aristotle
  • Creationism
  • Challenges to these theories
  • Hierarchy of life
  • Limited Information & Experiences
  • Humans are at top
  • "Most Perfect"
  • No recorded change/evolution in species
  • Travel was not common
  • Limited Scientific Knowledge
  • Creation story in bible
  • All life would have had to have been present/created at the same time
  • Paleontology & Geology
  • Colonialism
  • Discovery of new species
  • Earth's Age
  • Fossils
  • Theories explaining presence
  • Cuvier (Paleontologist)
  • Hutton & Lyell (Geologists)
  • Gradualism
  • Uniformitarianism
  • Slow processes can produce large changes eventually
  • observed processes are consistent across space and time
  • Idea that Earth is infinitely old
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