Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Hamad at the
- unconsciousness
- causes
- hypoglycemia
- hypotension
- syncope
- dehydration
- problems with heart rhythm
- drug interactions
- Marplan
- Dextromethorphan interaction
- what do we do in such a case?
- first aid
- Position the
person on his or
her back.
- perform CPR
- C-A-B (Compressions,
airway and breathing)
- to restore blood circulation
- normal circulation & conduction
- normal cardiac muscle
- normal cardiac action potential
- how do we check for
abnormal heart activities?
- test that measures
the electrical activity
of the heartbeat
- normal
- abnormal conduction
- arrhythmia
- sinus arrhythmia
- sinoatrial block
- sick sinus syndrome
- a group of heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
in which the sinus node — the heart's natural
pacemaker — doesn't work properly
- electical signals dont conduct to AV node
- not enough impulses are fired
- heart rhythms that are too fast, too
slow, punctuated by long pauses
- signs and symptoms
- Syncope
- Palpitations
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- how do we treat it?
- pharmacology
- anti-arrhythmic drugs
- amiodarone
- side effects
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Skin photosensitivity
- Pulmonary toxicity
- Bradycardia and hypotension
- surgery
- pacemakers installation
- indicated with:symptoms of a bradyarrhythmia or
tachyarrhythmia in the setting of heart disease
- can lead to
- Infection where the pacemaker was implanted
- Allergic reaction
- Swelling, bruising or bleeding
- history taking
- family and medical history
- medications
- lifestyle
- atrial fibrillarion
- leads us to discover
- Check
to be
sure it's
- Check for
signs of
coughing or
- Investigations
- glucose test
- pulse
- blood pressure
- heart sounds
- leads us to
- what should we not do?
- slapping the person
- feeding them food
or water
- crowding