MMK101- 2


Mindmap am MMK101- 2, erstellt von Nathan Hick am 02/10/2017.
Nathan Hick
Mindmap von Nathan Hick, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Nathan Hick
Erstellt von Nathan Hick vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

MMK101- 2
  1. Week 6
    1. Product
      1. 3 Levels
        1. Core customer value
          1. Actual product
            1. Augmented product
        2. Product Line
          1. Depth
            1. Product line filling
              1. Product line stretching
              2. Services
                1. Intangibility
                  1. Inseparability
                    1. Variability
                      1. Perishabitilty
                      2. New Product development process
                        1. 1- Idea generation
                          1. 2- Idea screening
                            1. 3- Concept development and testing
                              1. 4- Marketing strategy development
                                1. 5- Business analysis
                                  1. 6- Product development
                                    1. 7- Testing marketing
                                      1. 8- Commercialization
                        2. Product life cycle
                      3. Week 7
                        1. Price
                          1. Pricing strategy
                            1. Customer value based
                              1. Cost based
                                1. Competition based
                                2. New product pricing strategy
                                  1. Market skimming
                                    1. Market penetration
                                    2. Price ceiling/ Price floor
                                  2. Week 8
                                    1. Place
                                      1. Place management
                                        1. Channel length
                                          1. Channel conflict
                                            1. Vertical conflict
                                              1. Horizontal conflict
                                        2. Week 9
                                          1. Promotion
                                            1. Advertising
                                              1. Personal selling
                                                1. Sales promotion
                                                  1. Public relations
                                                    1. Direct and digital marketing
                                              2. Promotion metrics
                                                1. Awareness
                                                  1. Audience reach
                                                    1. Brand knowledge
                                                2. Week 10
                                                  1. Sustainable marketing
                                                    1. Social criticisms
                                                      1. 1- Marketing impacts individuals
                                                        1. 2- Marketing impacts society
                                                          1. 3- Marketing impacts business
                                                            1. Monopolies
                                                            2. False wants
                                                            3. High prices
                                                          2. Legal compliance
                                                            1. Contract and consumer law
                                                              1. Marketing communications compliance
                                                                1. Intellectual property law (IP)
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