Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Disease Surveillance
- Introduction
- Disease surviellenc in the UK is undertaken through a hierachal
system of organsations ranging from DEFRA to on farm monitoring
- This hieracal system is in place to identify, and prevent the
spread of infectious disease
- Before assessing the governements latst consultation on disease
survielance it is important to discuss the current organisations involved
in disease surviellence and evaluate the measures inplace for ID and
prevention of rapid disease spreadThe most recent governtment
- There have been over 14 exotic disease outbreaks in the
last 10 years (FMD, BSE, BT, SCH, H5N1)
- Cost £2m -£3bill
- Important to monitor in a population to prevent
economic loss and comprimise animal welfare
- Discuss current organisations involved in disease surveillence
- AHVLA (Animal Health and
Veterinary Laboritories Agency)
- Safeguard public health and animal health and welfare
- Monitor endemic disease trends
- Primary work to prevent and control animal
disease through activity on farm, markets and
other livestock premesis as well as controlling
import and export
- Carry out inspections e.g. egg and dairy
- Responsible for ELISA and PCR testing and
forefront of current research, providing monthly and
quarterly summaries
- AHVLA implements and enforces
English, Scottish, and Welsh policies that
seek to:
- •Prevent, control and
where feasible eradicate
notifiable diseases
- •Prevent notifiable animal diseases
from entering the human food chain
and endangering public health, the
economy and rural community
- •Ensure the safe disposal of
products of animal origin intended
for human consumption
- VMD (Veterinary
Medicine Directorate)
- Assessment, issue, and maintenance, of all
vet medicine authorisation in accordance with
EU and UK legislation
- Pharmacovigilance through survielance of
Suspected Adverse Events (SAE)
- R&D and policy guidance
of vet med issues
- e.g. antimicrobial/ anthemintic resistance
- FSA (Food Standards Agency)
- Ensure animal disease does not pose a risk to food safetly
- Intergrates with other bodies to monitor animal disease e.g.T.B.
- UK Gov dept responsible for policy on food and rural issue,
supported by 37 agencies and public bodies
- Brings together key info from other
systems about disease in structured
- Contains data about number,
location and summaries disease
risks in the UK
- Intergrates data collected from
seperate organisation, analyses and
redistributes th knowledge
- UKZADI (UK Zoonoses Animal
Diseases and Infections)
- Independant comitee from agriculture and
human health departments
- Coordinate public health actions on local and national
level with regard to existing and emerging zoonotic
infections, trends in resistance and animal related chemical risk to food
- NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service)
- Formed 1995 to help promote
AHAW thru better disease control
and prevention
- Online Vet based AH resource for
farmers, written by expert, peer review
and present visually
- Monthly parasite forecasts
- Outline challenge facing catttle and sheep in regions
- SCOPS (sustainable
control of parasites in
- Monthly disease forecast
- Food Processors
- Milk buyers
- Cell counts bactoscan
- Abbatoirs
- ABP example with Fluke reports
- Pharmaceutical
- Free/ reduced price
disease checks
- e.g. subsidises milk sampling
- Vet
- Diagnosis of disease
- Notifying disease to upper bodies
- Movement licence
- Farmer
- Report notifiable diseases
- Animal testing
- e.g. NMR milk tests
- Johnes, Lepto BVD
- Record keeping
- Voluntary movement testing