Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Immune system
- Primary defences
- The skin is a physical barrier, blocking
pathogens from entering the body. As a
chemical barrier by producing chemicals
that are antimicrobal and can lower pH.
- Mucous membranes protect body
openings, traps pathogens and
contains antimicrobal enzymes
- Immune response is the body's
reaction to a foreign antigen
- 1. Phagocytes engulf pathogens.
Recognises the antigens on a pathogen.
The cytoplasm moves around the
pathogen, engulfing it. The pathogen is
inside a phagocytic vacuole. A lysosome
fuses with the vacuole and breaks down
the pahtogen. The phagocyte sticks the
antigen on its surface to activate other
immune cells
- 2. Phagocytes activate T lymphocytes. The receptors on
the surface bind to the antigen on the phagocytes. Each T
lymphocyte has a different receptor. This activates other T
lymphocytes and divides and differenciates. Some activate
B lymphocytes and some become memory cells
- 3. T lymphocytes active B lymphocyte which divide into
plasma cells. B lymphocytes are covered in antibodies
(they are specific). They bind to antigens. The B
lymphocytes divide into plasma cells and memory cells.
- 4 Plasma cells make more
antibodies to a specific
- Primary vs Secondary response
- Primary response is slow. Its when a
pathogen enters your body for the first time.
It is slow because there are not as many B
lymphocytes. Eventually the body will
produce enough, meanwhile the person
will have symptoms. The B and T
lymphocytes produce memory cells.
- Secondary response is faster.
Memory B cells produce the right
plasma cells and T cell divide into
the correct T cells. There are no
- Antigen-Antibody complex: Variable region
form the antibody binding region.
Complementary to the antigen. Hinge region
allow flexibility. Constant regions allow binding
to receptors on immune system cells. Disulphide
bridges hold the polypeptide chain together.
- Agglutinating pathogens: Binding to
many pathogen at once. Neutralising
toxins: Antibodies bind to the toxins
produced by the pathogens.
Preventing binding: Antibodies may
block the antigens from binding to
the receptors on the host cells
- Vaccinations
- Active and passive
- Active: Natural -Immune after
catching disease. Artificial - Become
immune after vaccination of small
dose of antigens
- Exposure to antigen,
protection take long to
develop, protection is
long term, memory cell
- Passive: Natural - Baby become
immune by receiving antibodies from
breastmilk. Artificial -Being injected
antibodies from somewhere else
- No exposure to antigen,
protection is immediate,
protection is short term,
memory cells not produced
- Control disease
- Vaccination help avoid
symptoms like in primary
response. Vaccines contain
antigens that cause your body to
produce memory cells. Many
people getting vaccines (herd
- New influenza vaccination
- The antigens on the surface change
so the vaccination is chose every
year to suit which it will benefit more
so. WHO and CDC
- Sources of medicine
- Natural compounds, only small
proportion have been
investigated, Need to protect
- Discovered? By accident,
observation of wildlife,
traditional medicines.