Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Short-term psychological
- Strategies to prevent anxiety and choking
- Self talk
- Setting achievable goals
- Performance monitoring
- Pre performance routines
- Somatic and cognitive
relaxcation techniques
- Mental rehersal and imagery
- Effects of motivation and stress control
- Bandura- self efficacy can
be influenced by four factors
- Performance accomplishments, if the
athlete has been successful in the past
then self confidence is likely to be high
- Vicarious
experience; if the
athleye watches
others perform and
achieve success,
then self confidence
is likely to be high
- Verbal persuasion;
significant others
can encourage and
motivate e.g coach
- Emotional arousal;
how a performer
feels about arousal
and anxiety levels
- Discuss how external
influences can affect sport
- Social loafing refers to a loss in
motivation when group sizes get too big
- Home advantage can have a positive
effect on the motivation of athletes
- Social facilitation; refers to the
positive influence other people can
have on performance e.g. team mates
- Social inhibition; refers to the
negative effects an audience
can have on performance
- Anxiety and its effects
on performance
- A natural reaction to threat in the enviroment.
- COGNITIVE; worry and negative
feeling about your own performance
- SOMATIC; Physiological
symptoms such as raised HR
- BEAVIOURAL; experiencing
tension, agitation and restlessness
- State anxiety; situaition
specific e.g taking a penalty
- Trait anxiety; more
associated with
someones anxiety
- Drive theory; the higher the
arousal, the greater performance
- Inverted U theory; predicts a relationship between
arousal and performance as an inverted U shape
- Catastrophe theory;
arousal will increase
performance when
cognitive anxiety is low
but there will be a big
decline in performance
when cognitive anxiety
is high