Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Language
- Form of communication
- Identity
- Physical and verbal
- Umbrella term for
other terms
- no real definition
- Accents
- Intonation common
to certain countries
- Someone can have a slight
accent despite not belonging
to a country
- Hand in hand with Dialects
- Accent only covers how words
are said
- Can hold some social prejudice
if accent belongs to a 'Threating
- Strong links to
identity and
- Dialects
- The use of words in a particular place
- Often divided by standard forms
of a language and other
- Standard forms are
nessicerilly classed as a
- dialects are born from people using
the same lexis in the same social
- Some people get elicution lessons
- Register
- How language is used in context
- Not to do with identity
- if inappropriate use, it could be used to offend
- Prestege