Hemolytic Anemia


A mind map describing an approach to hemolytic anemia
Maha Badawi
Mindmap von Maha Badawi, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Maha Badawi
Erstellt von Maha Badawi vor etwa 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Hemolytic Anemia
  1. Inherited (intrinsic)
    1. Membrane
      1. Hereditary spherocytosis
        1. Hereditary elliptocuyosis
        2. Enzymes
          1. G6PD Def
            1. Pyruvate Kinase Def
            2. Hemoglobin
              1. SCA
                1. Thalassemia
              2. Acquired (extrinsic)
                1. Immune mediated
                  1. Autoimmune
                    1. Warm
                      1. Cold
                        1. Drugs
                        2. Alloimmune
                          1. HDFN
                            1. HTR
                          2. Nonimmune mediated
                            1. Infections
                              1. C. Perferingens
                                1. Malaria
                                  1. Babesia
                                  2. Trauma
                                    1. MAHA
                                      1. HELLP
                                        1. TTP
                                          1. HUS
                                          2. Prosthetic valves
                                          3. Toxins
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