Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Success-Confidence-Proper Functioning Body: Health Promo & Self-Care
- Exercise 30m/day
- Stretch c/ Yoga
- YouTube
- Cardio 20m/day
- Zumba $7/class
- Gym Fitness Classes
- Medication: ↑ energy
- Read 20m/day
- Nursing Textbooks
- Adequate & Quality Sleep
- Buy new mask
- Adequate Income & Manage money well
- Priority Management
- Socialize Actively
- Hikes or Scenic Walks along trails
- Walk along canal path
- Walk around Clifton Hill
- Trail by Brock
- Fitness Classes
- Maintain self-image
- Remove facial hair
- Foot care
- Quality clothes
- Sweater that reads "Nurse/Nursing"
- Eat fresh and nutritiously
- Portion Control
- Medication: ↓ appetite
- Vegetarian Meals
- Protein Shakes
- Stay hydrated
- Keeps you full
- Keeps your skin's elasticity
- Soulfood
- Sing
- Go to church