
Der Nutzer hat seine Fachbereichs-Information gelöscht. Mindmap am AN INSPECTOR CALLS - QUOTATION ANALYSIS, erstellt von Gelöschter Nutzer am 26/03/2018.
Gelöschter Nutzer
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Neer Shah
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Neer Shah
Kopiert von Neer Shah vor fast 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Mr. Birling
    1. "Lower costs and higher prices"
      1. Capitalism
        1. Bosses exploit their workers
        2. "Hard-headed business man"
          1. He repeats this to show his ego and capitalism
          2. "The German's don't want war" "War's inevitable...fiddlesticks!" "Unsinkable,,,absolutely unsinkable"
            1. Dramatic irony
              1. Self assuring
                1. Looks like a fool
              2. "Next Honours list...a knighthood"
                1. Wants to be at a higher class
                  1. Arrogant
                  2. "I'd give thousands"
                    1. Capitalist
                      1. He would give thousands for nothing to happen as a consequence of what they all did
                    2. "Community and all that nonsence"
                      1. Criticising socialists
                    3. Mrs. Birling
                      1. "Girls of that class"
                        1. She is suggesting Eva is at a lower class than them and sees her differently
                          1. Looks down at her
                          2. Only had herself to blame"
                            1. She thinks Eva is the only one responsible fo rher own death
                            2. "As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse stolen money"
                              1. Tells use a lot about her
                                1. Anyone with a lower class will take any chance to steal money
                                  1. Arrogant
                              2. Sheila
                                1. "Squiffy"
                                  1. Euphamism
                                    1. Describes her childish language
                                    2. "It was my own fault" "I'll never, never do it again"
                                      1. She feels guilty
                                        1. Taking some responsibility
                                          1. Her conscience has go the better of her
                                          2. "You mustn't try to build a kind of wall between us and that girl"
                                            1. She feels sympathy for Eva Smith
                                              1. Younger generation feel more for others
                                              2. "You never came near me" (to Gerald)
                                                1. Seems to be trouble and secrets between Gerald and Sheila
                                              3. Eric
                                                1. "Yes I remember
                                                  1. Eric is keeping secrets about knowing Eva
                                                  2. "You killed her" "your own grandchild"
                                                    1. Blames his mother for Eva's death and is upset at her because he loved Eva very much
                                                  3. Gerald
                                                    1. "She knew it couldn't last"
                                                      1. If she knew the he definitely knew. Says a lot about him.
                                                    2. Eva Smith
                                                      1. "Swallowed a lot of disinfectant. Burnt her inside out."
                                                        1. How she died
                                                          1. Straight to the point. No euphamism
                                                        2. "They had decided to ask for more money"
                                                          1. She died because she was fired after asking for a raise
                                                          2. "She died in misery and agony - hating life" "Alone, friendless, almost penniless, desperate"
                                                            1. Strong, shocking verbs/listing
                                                              1. Shows how awful her life was and to emphasise the Inspector's point
                                                          3. Inspector
                                                            1. "We'll have to share our guilt"
                                                              1. Not fair for Sheila
                                                                1. Everyone was involved, not only Sheila
                                                              2. "Public men, Mr. Birling, have responsibilities as well as privilages."
                                                                1. Mr. Birling shouldn't just be about the Lord Mayor stuff
                                                                2. "It's better to ask for the world than to take it"
                                                                  1. Disagreeing with what Mr. Birling did to Eva Smith
                                                                  2. "Each of you helped to kill her"
                                                                    1. They all played a part in Eva's suicide
                                                                    2. "We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other."
                                                                      1. Repetition of 'we'
                                                                        1. They all payed a part in her death
                                                                      2. "They will be taught in fire and blood and anguish"
                                                                        1. There will be war between everyone
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