Vietnam War 1954-74


Mindmap am Vietnam War 1954-74, erstellt von sarahstephens1 am 17/09/2014.
Mindmap von sarahstephens1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sarahstephens1 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Vietnam War 1954-74
  1. Who were the Vietcong?
    1. South Vietamese people who fought for communism in the south.
      1. Who was Ho Chi Min?
        1. The communist leader of north Vietnam who struggled against the french rule.
          1. What was the Ho Chi Min trail?
            1. The trail used to supply VC troops in the south with resources from the North.
              1. Briefly explain the theories of gurella warfare.
                1. - smaller forces could support stronger ones - need public support - harassing and weakening the enemy
                  1. Tactics of gurilla warfare
                    1. - Ambushing and harassing - setting booby traps - dressing up as peasants
                      1. What was the strategic Hamlet programme?
                        1. A programme that moved peasants from Vietcong controlled areas to south governed areas.
                          1. What was the tet offensive?
                            1. A large communist offensive on over 100 towns and cities, a large loss for the Vietcong however a shock to the Americans. Huge losses on both sides.
                              1. What was operation rolling thunder
                                1. A major american offensive booming operation.
                                  1. What was agent orange?
                                    1. A chemical weapon used to destroy the forest, it burned through skin and bone on contact.
                                      1. What was napalm?
                                        1. A chemical that stuck onto skin and burns at high temperatures.
                                          1. US death toll
                                            1. 58,000
                                              1. Vietcong death toll
                                                1. 3.1 million
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