Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- are you measuring what you are supposed to be measuring if any extraneous variables you cannot be 100% sure and cannot infer cause and effect
- ecological validity
- strengths of low eco val research
- high control
- manipulate and isolate the IV to measure the effect on the DV = infer cause and effect
- example
- loftus and palmer changing the verb in the sentance manipulates the iv and allows to see the cause of the different speed estimations
- more reliable
- standardised procedure making it easy to replicate
- example
- bruce conducted an experiment into recognising faces had standadised images and composite images and had to match composties to original = repeated in the same way
- high scientific equipment used
- this is not something we come across every day = objective measurments to be made can collect quantitaive data allowing easy comparisons.
- example
- dement and kleitman when conducting a study on dreaming attatched elctrode to scalp and eye lids, this is not how people normally sleep but gives us indepth information that wouldn't be accsessiable without
- weaknesses low of eco val research
- reductionist
- as the situation is very controlled it simplifies complex behavouir by isolating the IV does not look for a combo of factors
- generalisability
- harder to generalise the results as often effected by social desirability and demand characterisitcs due to high levels of control
- example
- dement and kleitman and dreaming - not being allowed caffine and nicotine and being woken up during the night = not generalised to a normal nights sleep
- lack of qual data
- as scientfic methods collect objective quantitaive data and this lacks reason and insight
- internal
- does the study measure what its supposed to within the study itself
- external
- does the study measure what it claims to outside the study
- concurrent
- comparing the measure with an already existing established measure of the same variable to check for concurrent validity
- face
- are you measuring what you say you want to measure
- population
- the extent to which the results of a study can be generalised to the target population
- strengths
- highly reliable
- controlled
- useful
- generalisable
- weaknesses
- ethics