"The US economic boom of the 1920's was primarily due to the motor manufacturing industry"


Mindmap am "The US economic boom of the 1920's was primarily due to the motor manufacturing industry", erstellt von d.robinson5 am 17/10/2014.
Mindmap von d.robinson5, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von d.robinson5 vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

"The US economic boom of the 1920's was primarily due to the motor manufacturing industry"
  1. Urban development
    1. For the first time ever, more people were living in the USA's urban areas
      1. Taller skyscrapers were built
        1. Empire State Building was 382 meters tall
        2. Cities had more black
        3. Stimulants to consumption
          1. Advertising
            1. Products began to display their brand name prominently on advertisements
              1. 'Good Housekeeping Magazine' presented an image of life that all Americans could aspire to
                1. By 1929 American companies were spending $3 billion every year on advertising their products
                2. Customer Credit
                  1. By the end of the 1920's, 60% of all furniture and 75% of all radios were bought on hire purchase schemes
                    1. This was started by the motor industry
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