Horses in Portraiture


Mindmap am Horses in Portraiture, erstellt von Michelle Fuller am 20/10/2014.
Michelle Fuller
Mindmap von Michelle Fuller, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Michelle Fuller
Erstellt von Michelle Fuller vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Horses in Portraiture
  1. Mounted
    1. Power
      1. Energy
        1. Passion
          1. Strength
            1. Fashion accessory
              1. enhance reputation
                1. Control
                  1. Passions
                    1. Country
                    2. Movements
                      1. Dressage
                        1. Airs above the ground
                    3. Unmounted
                      1. Beautiful
                        1. Ethereal
                          1. Girlish fantasies
                            1. Life
                              1. Spirit
                              2. Artists
                                1. George Stubbs
                                  1. Whistlejacket
                                  2. Tim Flach
                                    1. Equus
                                    2. Paolo Uccello
                                      1. Rout of San Romano
                                      2. Emile-Jean-Horace Vernet
                                        1. Wounded Trumpeter
                                      3. Symbolic
                                        1. Wild
                                          1. Passionate
                                            1. Unruly
                                              1. Fantasy
                                                1. Black horse
                                                  1. Death
                                                    1. Starvation
                                                    2. Evil
                                                      1. Stallion
                                                        1. Erotic lust
                                                          1. Demonic potency
                                                        2. White horse
                                                          1. Goodness
                                                            1. Bravery
                                                              1. Purity
                                                                1. Saint horse
                                                                  1. St. George
                                                                    1. Original 'Knight in shining armour'
                                                                  2. Neptune
                                                                    1. Waves
                                                                      1. Rolling sea
                                                                      2. Patron of horses
                                                                    2. Freedom
                                                                    3. Myths
                                                                      1. Pegasus
                                                                        1. Grace
                                                                          1. Beauty
                                                                            1. Heroism
                                                                              1. Purity
                                                                                1. Goodness
                                                                                2. Unicorn
                                                                                  1. Courage
                                                                                    1. Power
                                                                                      1. Speed
                                                                                        1. Selfless
                                                                                          1. Proud
                                                                                            1. Heroic
                                                                                              1. Symbol of Christ
                                                                                                1. Coats of arms
                                                                                                2. Centaur
                                                                                                  1. Lascivious
                                                                                                    1. Brutish
                                                                                                      1. Dark
                                                                                                        1. Untamed
                                                                                                          1. Lusty
                                                                                                            1. Strong
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