Walking with Difficulty


Mindmap am Walking with Difficulty, erstellt von Fatma Shwaylia am 20/09/2018.
Fatma Shwaylia
Mindmap von Fatma Shwaylia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Fatma Shwaylia
Erstellt von Fatma Shwaylia vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Walking with Difficulty
  1. Skull Anatomy
    1. Norma Basalis externa
      1. Norma Basalis interna
      2. Muscle weakness
        1. Distinguishing true muscle weakness from motor impairment not due to loss of muscle power​
          1. through
            1. History taking
              1. Physical Examination
            2. Localizing the site of lesion
              1. Determining the cause of the lesion
                1. causes include inflammatory disorders, endocrinopathies, metabolic myopathies, drugs and toxins, infections, and the various causes of rhabdomyolysis
                2. GAIT​
                  1. HEMIPLEGIC GAIT (SPASTIC GAIT)
                    1. leg is stiff, without flexion at knee and ankle, and with each step is rotated away from the body, then towards it, forming a semicircle.
                    2. PARKINSONIAN GAIT​
                      1. exhibited by patients suffering from Parkinson's disease
                      2. ATAXIA GAIT​
                        1. presence of abnormal, uncoordinated movements.
                          1. cerebellar disturbances and can be seen in patients with longstanding alcohol dependency​
                        2. Diplegic Gait(Scissors gait)
                          1. form of gait abnormality primarily associated with spastic cerebral palsy
                          2. MYOPATHIC GAIT (WADDLING GAIT).​
                            1. due to the weakness of the proximal muscles of the pelvic girdle.
                            2. NEUROPATHIC GAIT (STEPPAGE GAIT ):​
                              1. foot drop due to loss of dorsiflexion.
                                1. due to damage to the deep peroneal nerve
                            3. RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION of Syringomyelia
                              1. CHIARI I MALFORMATION
                                1. Congenital hindbrain abnormality​
                                  1. Downward displacement of medulla and cerebellar tonsils​
                                    1. causes or leads to
                                      1. Syringomyelia
                                        1. development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within the spinal cord. Over time, the cyst may enlarge, damaging the spinal cord.​
                                          1. acquired by (other causes)
                                            1. Complication of trauma
                                              1. meningitis
                                                1. hemorrhage,
                                                  1. tumor
                                                    1. arachnoiditis
                                                      1. Clinical presentation
                                                        1. Loss of pain, temperature & crude touch sensation​
                                                          1. patient comes with burned hands
                                                            1. Lesion affecting the lateral spinothalamic tract
                                                            2. Muscle weakness and wasting (atrophy)
                                                              1. Loss of reflexes​
                                                                1. Charcot Joint ​
                                                              2. Monitoring
                                                                1. periodic MRI and neurological exams
                                                              3. Surgery
                                                                1. Treating Chiari malformation.
                                                                  1. Draining the syrinx.
                                                                    1. Removing the obstruction.
                                                                      1. Correcting the abnormality.
                                                              4. Tracts
                                                                1. Upper motor neuron lesion in his lower limb
                                                                  1. Spastic gait
                                                                  2. Lower motor neuron lesion in his upper limb
                                                                    1. hyperflexia
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