Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Pathophysiology
- acute gastritis
- ingest noxious agents (food, drugs, &
chemicals) --> break down of gastric mucosal
barrierand inhibit prostagalndin production -->
epithelial cells are unprotected
- Gastric aid and digestive enzymes invade the
gastric mucosa --> inflammatory reaction
- chronic gastritis
- H. pylori attaches to foveolar epithelium --> causes
epithelial degeneration --> cells change shape--> decrease
in apical mucin --> small gasps form in epithelium
- intence
neurophilic and
- atrophy of gastric gland
and mucosal thickening -->
grey or greenish gray
patches appear
- disrupt metaplasia --> loss
of stomach mucous cells in
lining --> blood vessel
exposure --> bleeing
- Epidemiology
- 50% of the world
population is infected
with H. Pylori
- more common in
Asians and Hispanics
- affects all ages
- male = female
- incidence of H. pylori
increases with age
- Clinical Presentation
- epigastric discomfort,
often aggravated by eating
- epigastric burning
- anorexia
- nausea, with or
without vomiting
- hiccups
- bloating and/or
abdominal fullness
- bleeding (associated with
hemorrhagic gastritis)
- Etiology
- Bacterial infection
(H. Pylori)
- alcohol
- aspirin or other NSAIDs
- Bile reflux
- Pancreatic enzyme reflux
- Stress (hypovolemia
or hypoxia)
- Radiation
- Staphylococcus
aureus exotoxins
- viral infection
- Pernicious anemia
- Gastric mucosal atrphy
- Portal hypertensive
- emotional stress
- Diagnostics
- history and physical
(presenting signs and
- Laboratory data
- measuring ratio of
pepsinogen I to
pepsinogen II
- CMP/CBC (anemia)
- c-urea breath test
- stool analysis
- Endoscopy (EGD) with biopsy
- Treatment
- Pharmacological
- H. Pylori
- Proton pump
- H2 blockers
- antibiotics
- ismuth salts
- antacids
- other nutritional or
herbal supplements
- vitamins (ultivitamin, vitamin A, C, &
D, B vitamins, and trace minerals)
- probiotics
- Omega-3
fatty acids
- cranberries & peppermint
- mastic (Pistacia
- DGL-licorice
(Glycyrrhiza glabra)
- Avoid noxious
drugs (NSAIDS)
- lifestyle modifications
- smoking cessation
- avoid alcohol
- avoid caffeine
- decrease stress
- small bland meals
- Risk Factors
- Over 60 years of age
- exposure to potentially
noxious drugs or
chemical agents
- alcohol
- Tobacco use
- Hypovolemia
- hypoxia
- Autoimmune disease
- Thyroid
- diabetes mellitus type I
- family history of
H. Pylori and/or
gastric cancer
- emotional stress