

Mindmap am Protists, erstellt von Sophiane Nacer am 02/10/2018.
Sophiane Nacer
Mindmap von Sophiane Nacer, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sophiane Nacer
Erstellt von Sophiane Nacer vor mehr als 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Characteristics
    1. Criteria
      1. Eukaryotic
        1. Not animal, fungi, plant
      2. Cellular Arrangement
        1. Unicellular, Colonial, or Multicellular
        2. Locomotion
          1. Flagella, Cilia, Pseudopodia
          2. Nutrition
            1. Photoautotrophs
              1. Heterotrophs
                1. Mixotrophs
            2. Reproduction
              1. Asexual
                1. Binary Fission
                  1. Budding
                    1. Schizogony
                    2. Sexual
                      1. Alternation of Generations
                        1. Gametophyte (n), Sporophyte (2n)
                          1. Genetic Recombination
                            1. Only seen in some protists (marine algae, slime mold)
                      2. Endosymbiosis
                        1. Mitochondria
                          1. Heterotrophic bacterium
                            1. Engulfed by archaeal cell
                          2. Plastids
                            1. Photosynthetic cyanobacterium
                              1. Engulfed by heterotrophic eukaryote
                              2. Plastid-Posessing Protists
                                1. Red Algae
                                  1. Green Algae
                                    1. Secondary Endosymb.
                                      1. Chlorarachniophytes
                                        1. Nucleomorph
                                        2. Plastids w/>2 membr.
                                    2. Evidence
                                      1. DNA
                                        1. Two Membranes
                                          1. Transport Proteins
                                            1. Binary Fission Replication
                                          2. Symbiotic Protists
                                            1. Dinoflagellates
                                              1. Guts of termites
                                            2. Phylogenetics
                                              1. Domain: Eukaryote
                                                1. Kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista
                                                  1. Root is controversial
                                                  2. Unikonta
                                                    1. (Supergroup) Incl. protists most closely related to animals
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