Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Regulatory Entities, Agencies and
Market Participants
- SEC: Securities
and Exchange
- Created in 1934
- 1934 Securities Exchange Act
"People Act"
- Created SEC to establish fair & orderly market
- Gave authority to SRO's to enforce standards and
requirements related to security trading &
brokerage business
- Governs indiv & firms doing
business in Financial Services
- Regulates exchanges and
- Oversees Capital Markets
- Responsibilities
- Interpret & enforce Fed
Securities Laws
- Issue new rules &
amend existing ones
- Oversee inspection of :
- Firms
- Brokers
- Investment advisors
- Auditing Fields
- Coordinate US Securities
regulation with:
- Feds
- States
- Foreign Authorities
- Violations result in:
- revokation of registration
- Referred to Judicial System
- 5 Board
- Known as Commission
- Appointed by President with
Senate approval
- Have 5 year Terms
- Staggered so 1 ends every year
- only 3 can belong to
same political party
- Mission
- Protect Investors
- Maintain fair, orderly
& efficient markets
- Facilitate Capital