Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Leadership vs. Management
- “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”
- manager is a person that set’s the goal and finds the most effective way
to reach the goal.
- Bernard Bass
- leaders manage and managers lead, but the two activities are not
- Being a leader means:
- Motivating, influencing and changing behavior
- Inspiring and setting tone and version
- Managing people
- Being charismatic
- Being visionary
- Understanding and using power and influence
- Putting people first
- Being a manager means:
- Directing, implementing and being held accountable for resources
- Delivering the goods and service
- Managing resources
- Understanding and using authority and responsibility
- Planning and controlling
- Being conscientious
- Putting customer first.
- Good leaders are not necessarily good managers, and good
managers are not necessarily good leaders. Effective leadership
requires effective managerial skills at some level. Good managerial
skills turn a leader’s vision into actionable tasks and successful
implementation. Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Fiat Group, is a good
- Leadership Approaches: leadership behaviors that are most
effective in different settings
- Trait Approaches: what diff. leader from others
- Stogdill and Mann's five traits: intellig. domin. self-conf. level of energ. and task knowleg.
- Leadership prototypes: intelligence, masculinity and dominance
- Goleman: emotional intelli.
- Kouzes and Posner's four traits: honest, inspiring and competent.
- Kellerman's bad traits: rigid, evil, incomp. and callous.
- Behavioral Approaches: leader behaviors that resulted in
higher work group performance
- Ohio States Studies
- initiating structure behavior
- consideration behavior
- University of Michigan
- job centered style
- employee centered
- Contingency Approaches
- Fidler's model
- task oriented style
- relationship oriented style
- House's path-goal revised theory
- Transformational Approach
- Bass and Avolio's four transformational behavior
- inspirational motivation
- Idealized influence
- indivualized consideration
- intellectual stimulation
- Full range theory of leadership
- Emerging Approaches
- Leader- member exchange (LMX)
- relationship between leader and followers is important.
- Shared Leadership
- Greenleaf servant leadership
- providing service for others, not oneself
- Role of followers in the process
- Followers manage the relationship