Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Samantha, 54
- Nervous System
- adrenal stress
- high stress family illness last 6 mths
- gluten poisoning
- stress over rash and hives
- high BP
- disrupted sleep
- waking at night to go bathroom
- waking at night hot flushes
- foggy brain / headaches
- Low Immunity
- rash / hives
- allergies
- gluten/ meat/ fish/ wheat
- low wwc/lymphcytes/ neutrophils
- infection/ virus
- Digestive Disruption
- Dysbiosis
- reflux - fish oil tabs
- burping - red meat /fish
- low HCL/ Low digestive enzymes
- metabolic Syndrome
- sugar craving
- high waist measurement
- BMI Border overweight
- waist height - overweight
- fatty liver
- metabolic syndrome
- Diet Deficiency
- low protein
- Nutrient Deficiency
- low mag
- low calcium
- low vit D
- folate
- B12
- malabsorption - celiac
- Reproductive System
- hot flushes
- post menopause