Zusammenfassung der Ressource
30 Day Week 4
- intro
- week four
- acts 2.42-47
- stewardship
- using time, talents, treasure
- why is this a big deal?
- Luke 16.1-13
- Scene 1 (1-2) - on the carpet
- Master
- Manager
- you're fired!
- Scene 2 (3-4) the contemplation
- no good options
- he's got to position himself for the future
- his reputation is going to be trashed
- Scene 3 (5-7) Wholesale Reductions
- with his current fate sealed, the light bulb comes on
- has debtors declare what they owe the Master
- he reducess the amount owed
- the master gets something
- the debtors will look
favorable on the manager
- Scene 4 (8a) The Reckoning
- Well Played!
- Scene 5 (8b-13) Jesus' Observations
- be generous (16.9)
- we can influence through generosity
- God responds to those who love
w/concrete actions
- generosity is evidence of an active walk.
- be faithful (16.10-12)
- Character in little, means character in more
- Life is a God-given stewardship for
which we are all responsible
- Serve God (16.13)
- $$ is not & cannot be the ultimate priority
- there comes a moment when we all most choose
- Bottom Line: we must use our
resources to bless others and
glorify God.