30 Day Week 4


Messages (30 Day) Mindmap am 30 Day Week 4, erstellt von Ross Johnson am 05/09/2013.
Ross Johnson
Mindmap von Ross Johnson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ross Johnson
Erstellt von Ross Johnson vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

30 Day Week 4
  1. intro
    1. week four
      1. acts 2.42-47
        1. stewardship
          1. using time, talents, treasure
            1. why is this a big deal?
              1. Luke 16.1-13
          2. Scene 1 (1-2) - on the carpet
            1. Master
              1. Manager
                1. you're fired!
                2. Scene 2 (3-4) the contemplation
                  1. no good options
                    1. he's got to position himself for the future
                      1. his reputation is going to be trashed
                      2. Scene 3 (5-7) Wholesale Reductions
                        1. with his current fate sealed, the light bulb comes on
                          1. has debtors declare what they owe the Master
                            1. he reducess the amount owed
                              1. the master gets something
                                1. the debtors will look favorable on the manager
                              2. Scene 4 (8a) The Reckoning
                                1. Well Played!
                                2. Scene 5 (8b-13) Jesus' Observations
                                  1. be generous (16.9)
                                    1. we can influence through generosity
                                      1. God responds to those who love w/concrete actions
                                        1. generosity is evidence of an active walk.
                                        2. be faithful (16.10-12)
                                          1. Character in little, means character in more
                                            1. Life is a God-given stewardship for which we are all responsible
                                            2. Serve God (16.13)
                                              1. $$ is not & cannot be the ultimate priority
                                                1. there comes a moment when we all most choose
                                              2. Bottom Line: we must use our resources to bless others and glorify God.
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