Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Sociology: Education
- Class differences in achievement
- Cultural Factors - norms, values, beliefs, skills
and knowledge that a group regards as
- Cultural deprivation: some working class families fail to transmit
the appropriate norms, values, attitudes and skills needed for
educational success
- 3 main aspects
- Intellectual Development: working class children are less likely to have educational toys
and books that will stimulate their thinking and reasoning skills, causing them to be
behind when they start school
- Speech codes:
- Working class - Restricted code: less analytic, more descriptive,
limited vocabulary and assumes the speaker understands
- Middle class - Elaborated code: more analytic, wide
vocabulary, complex sentences
- Attitudes & Values
- Working class parents place less value on their childrens
education and are less ambitious for them, resulting in
their children underachieving (Leo Feinstein)
- Feinstein argues middle class children are more successful
because their parents provide them with motivation
discipline and support
- 4 working class subcultures
acting as a barrier to educational
- Fatalism - A belief in fate and there is nothing you can do to
change your status, contrasting with middle class values
where it is believed you can change your position through
your own effort
- Collectivism - Valuing being part of a group more than
succeeding individually, contrasting with middle class
views that an individual should not be held back by a
- Immediate Gratification - Seeking pleasure now rather
than making sacrifices in order to be rewarded later on
in the future, in contrast middle class prefer deferred
gratification, making sacrifices now for greater reward
- Present-time Orientation - seeing the present as more
important than the future so not having long term goals
whereas middle class culture sees planning for the future
as important
- External factors (outside the education)
- Poor Housing - overcrowded, cold
damp rooms means pupils have
nowhere to study, and can also cause
illnesses. Temporary accommodation
means frequent changing of schools
- Poor Diet - poorer families have lower intake of
energy, vitamins and minerals leading to poor
health and resulting in more absences from
school. Also the lower the social class,the higher
the rate of anxiety and behavioural problems
- Low Income - lack of educational materials,
correct uniform and latest fashion items
which could lead to bullying. Lack of funds
also means children having to drop out of
school to go and work