Evolution of ESP


Leonardo  Ibañez Calvo
Mindmap von Leonardo Ibañez Calvo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Leonardo  Ibañez Calvo
Erstellt von Leonardo Ibañez Calvo vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Evolution of ESP
    1. After the end of the 2nd war in 1945 the effect was to creat a new mass of people wanting to learn english because of English was the key to the international currencies of technology and commerce
      1. REVOLUTION IN LINGUISTICS The demand was growing for English courses as the specifics needs of learners
        1. The aim of linguistics had been to describe the rules of language usage, however the new studies focus on the way language is actually used in real communication
          1. New developments in educational psychology also helped to the rise of ESP by enfhasising the central importance of learners and their attitudes to learn. (Rodgers. 1969)
      1. 1. THE CONCEPT OF SPECIAL LANGUAGE took place in the 60's and early 70's The aim was to produce a syllabus which gave high priority to the language forms students would meet in their Science studies and in turn would give low priority to forms they would not meet. Ewer and Hughes-Davies (1971),
        1. 2. BEYOND THE SENTENCE: Whereas in the first stage of its development, ESP had focussed on language at the sentence level, the second phase of development shifted attention to the level above the sentence, as ESP became closely involved with the emerging field of discourse or rhetorical analysis.
          1. 3. TARGET SITUATION ANALYSIS What it aimed to do was to take the existing knowledge and set it on a more scientific basis, by establishing procedures for relating language analysis more closely to learners' reasons for learning.
            1. 4. SKILLS AND STRATEGIES The fourth stage of ESP has seen an attempt to look below the surface and to consider not the language itself but the thinking processes that underlie language use.
              1. 5. A LEARNING CENTRAL APPROACH we identified three forces, which we might characterise as need, new ideas about language and new ideas about learning.
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