Cat in the Rain


Mindmap am Cat in the Rain, erstellt von elopez6 am 21/09/2013.
Mindmap von elopez6, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von elopez6 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cat in the Rain
  1. Characters
    1. American Wife
      1. Description
        1. Unhappy
          1. wants more out of life
            1. wants
            2. intrigued by the padron
          2. George
            1. Padron
              1. Maid
                1. Cat
                2. Interpretations
                  1. Baby
                    1. The American wife is wanting a baby and the cat symbolizes her desire to fill that void.
                      1. The American Wife could be having an affair.
                        1. Her attraction, description, and feelings towards the padron give the subtle int that she may be having an affair.
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