Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Joe Gen. 39
- intro
- brief recap - Joe sold to slavery
- this week - Joe finds himslef in
another hard place
- Gen 39
- barna study/article
- bottom line: purity isn't easy, but it's
possible (but doesn't happen by accident)
- Know your vulnerabiility
- 39.1-6
- Vul. when alone
- no1 will find out!
- Vul. when sucessful
- Vul. when needy
- mom has died
- away from dad
- brothers hate him
- know how temptation works
- Vulberability
- leads to opportunity 7-9
- persistance 10-11
- commit to integrity
- 4-6 repeat Potiphars
stuff was under Joe
- integrity effects all
areas of life
- if he was unfaithful in
business, easier to be
unfaithful with Pot's wife
- Develop a plan
- practice presence of God
- 39.2, 3, 21, 23
- don't justify sin
- 39.9
- get out!
- 39.12-13
- take home
- commit urself to these 4 princiiples
- no sin is beyond his grace
- delivery & victory is urs if you turn to him