Wind Energy


Esteban Matus
Mindmap von Esteban Matus, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Esteban Matus
Erstellt von Esteban Matus vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Wind Energy
  1. Wind energy refers to the process of creating electricity using the wind, or air flows that occur naturally in the earth's atmosphere.
    1. It is important because it does not contaminate, it is inexhaustible and reduces the use of fossil fuels, which are the origin of greenhouse gasses that cause global warming.
      1. We will never run out of wind energy. It is a renewable energy source. It is also free, since no one can own the air.
        1. They use turbines for use wind energy and this are the parts of a turbine:
          1. How a turbine works?
            1. The air pushes the blades mounted on a shaft, which rotates the shaft connected to a generator.
            2. How nergy goes to a house?
              1. The electricity goes through wires that goes trough all the world.The electricity travels through wires inside the walls to the outlets and switches all over your house.
          2. Advantages
            1. It's sustainable
              1. It's a clean fuel source.
                1. Wind turbines can be built on existing farms or ranches.
                2. Desavantages
                  1. The wind is inconsistent
                    1. Wind turbines involve high upfront capital investment
                      1. Wind turbines have a visual impact
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