Zusammenfassung der Ressource
CUS 2015
- Proactive CARE approach
- Simplification
- redifine the topics to discuss on weekly calls
- Win where we target
- Cost leadership
- contracts revision with SAL
- waiver contro
- claim /service recovery
- longstanding follow up
- Downfalls ration
- A winning team
- work on anchors
- define pipeline
- 1on 1 planing for 2015
- colistening and feedback
- cross functional tranings
- emotional salaries
- gemba
- Comercial excellence
- onboarding and offboarding customers. PREMIUM
- use 2014 baseline for 2015 and stablish a target along with GSC
- my phone implementation
- train other function my phone
- provide visibility /Phone
- develop service excellence program
- colistening and feedback session
- implement actions derived from survey results
- Brokers Training at ports
- Outbound Calls proposal
- Customer Handbook
- Deliver the Volume
- Comercial excellence
- Ask 4 more initiatives
- daily huddle
- BIZ nowledge/ workshops
- review performance from Premium/care
- onboarding msg
- rumour center
- Customers in Onboarding
- sales leads
- Simplification
- Deliver simplification as per plan
- Simplification
- case management inplementation
- stick on implementation plan
- maria andrea VZU-TRN and COL
- redirect SL email through acknowledgements
- case management traning
- case management workshop
- Core experts US gemba
- CE traning in countries
- gather Voc for feedback
- define baseline and agree with OTCS
- saleforce.com workshop