Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Curriculum Development
& Instruction
- UbD
- Stage 1
- Transfer Goals, Standards,
Essential Questions,
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Stage 2
- Summative
- End of the Unit,
Assessment of the
- Formative
- During /throughout the Unit.
Assessment for Learning
- Stage 3
- Lesson Plans
- Strategies
- Creating the Environment
- Cooperative Learning Groups
- Reinforcing Effort and Recognition
- Setting Objectives and
providing feedback
- Developing Understanding
- Cues, Questions,
- Non-liguistic Representation
- Summary and Note Taking
- Homework and Practice
- Extend and Apply Knowledge
- Identifying Similarities and Differences
- Generating and Testing Hypothesis
- Differentiation
Process | Product
- How do you Teach?
Challenge and Variety
- Bloom's Levels
of Thinking
- Multiple Intelligences
- Flexible Grouping
- Tiered Assessments
- Choices
- Project Menus,
Challenge Centers,
- Grading
- Rubrics, with
clear objectives
- Special Needs Students
- Lesson Preparation
- Clear objectives, clearly
defined, displayed and
- Building Background
- Explicitly link past
learning to new concepts
- Comprehensible Imput
- Speaking rate,
volume and
- Use a variety of
techniques to make
concepts clear
- Strategies
- Scaffolding
- Gradual Release Model,
I do, we do, you do
- Verbal
- Paraphrasing
- Procedual
- Instructional
- Ineratction
- Lesson Delivery