Consumer Health


A mindmap about Consumer health and its subtopics
Joshua Raff Rebanal
Mindmap von Joshua Raff Rebanal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joshua Raff Rebanal
Erstellt von Joshua Raff Rebanal vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Consumer Health
  1. Things to keep in mind...
    1. Will it affect the environement around you?
      1. Is the quality good?
        1. Is it safe?
        2. Types of consumers
          1. Wasteful
            1. Wastes what he/she buys.
            2. Money hoarder
              1. Saves most of his/her's money but does'nt buy anything for themeselves
              2. Smart
                1. Knows his/her's budget.
              3. Do's and Dont's
                1. Do be aware of the health information
                  1. Dont spend on unecessary needs
                    1. Do know your rights, products and services
                      1. Don't choose quantity over quality
                      2. Consumer rights
                        1. The Right to Safety
                          1. The Right to choose
                            1. The Right to Information
                            2. What is it? Why is it important?
                              1. So that consumers can assure the wellbeing of their health. Also to developed reasoning and evaluation between products, services and information.
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