Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is motivation?
Why is it important?
- Motivation is the desire to achieve a goal
- Benefit to a business of a
well motivated workforce
- Less Staff Absent
- Higher production
- More innovation
- Lower staff turnover
- Nice working environment
- More co-operation
- Herzberg Two-Factor Theory
- Hygiene Factors
- Pay
Working Conditions
Job Security
Quality of Supervision
Staff Relations
Company Policy
- Motivators
- Achieving Aims
Chance of Promotions
Interesting Work
Personal Development
- Hertzberg said:
- If hygiene factors are not satisfied it can
leave employees dissatisfied
- When motivators are met they will give employees job satisfaction
- Maslow's Hierarch of Needs
- Self-Actualisation
- Esteem
- Love & Belonging
- Safety & Security
- Physiological
- Maslow said:
- Once one set of needs have been
satisfied that they are no longer
- Lower needs must be satisfied in order for
higher needs to become motivators
- If a business fails to meet a set of needs an
employee will not be motivated or satisfied
with their job
- How can a business motivate?
- They have to satisfy the following needs:
- Physiological Needs
- Humans have basic needs such as
water,food, shelter, clothes etc.
- Work should provide the means (Money)
to satisfy thoese nececities
- Social Needs
- People have social requirements that include making
friends, communicating and working in a team
- Work should provide oppertunities to satisfy these needs
- Other Needs
- People also have higher needs that include the desire to
be respected and recognised, some employees wish to be
stretched to their full potential.