Zusammenfassung der Ressource
GCSE AQA Biology 3 Water Flow Through Plants
- Vessels in flowering plants
- Phloem
- Made of columns of living
cells with small holes in ends
- allow stuff to flow through
- Transport food substances (mainly
dissolved sugars) made in leaves to
growing regions & storage organs
- Transport goes in both directions
- Xylem
- Made of dead cells joined end to end,
with no end walls & hole down middle
- Carry water & minerals from roots to
stem & leaves in transpiration stream
- Transport is up only
- Transpiration - the loss of water from the plant
- Caused by the evaporation &
diffusion of water from inside leaves
- Creates slight shortage of water in leaf so more water is
drawn up from rest of plant through xylem to replace it
- More water drawn up from roots - constant
transpiration stream of water through plant
- Side-effect of way leaves are adapted
for photosynthesis - have stomata in
them so gases can be exchanged easily
- There's more water inside plant than outside
- water escapes from leaves through stomata