Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Meursault characterisation
- passive
- asked to write letter, doesn't mind doing it
- relationship with R
- letter and witness statement
- indifference
- "ça m'était égal"
- "cela ne veut rien dire"
- doesn't mind whether he is R friend or not
- doesn't care whether he goes to Paris or not
- "on ne changeait jamais de vie"
- on finissait toujours par s'habituer à tout
- honesty
- refuses to live about knowledge of age of mum
- lawyer want him to say smtg but he refuses "parce que c'est faux"
- "voulez-vous, s'est il exclamé, que ma vie n'ait pas de sens?" he refuses to lie and say god exists to help his case and make juge d'instruction happy
- openly refuses to accept values of society and consequently dies for it
- can't believe in afterlife because he cannot be sure it exists
- refusal to judge ppl but good listener (often finds interesting what is said)
- doesn't judge R
- "je n'ai aucune raison de ne pas lui parler"
- "c'était intérresant" when he hears story about Arab girl
- he tries hard when writing letter because "je n'avais pas de raison de ne pas le contenter"
- Celeste talks about Salamano dog saying "c'est malheureux"
- but M says "mais au fond on ne peut savoir"
- when being told about corpses " je trouvais ce qu'il disait intérressant
- emotions
- lust
- "j'ai eu très envie d'elle"
- only physical "morte, elle ne m’interessait plus"
- Love
- cannot quantify it, therefore because so honest he cannot say whether he loves or not
- when Marie asks whether he loves her he says "je lui ai répondu que cela ne voulait rien dire, mais qu'il me semblait que non"
- gives depth to emotions and therefore as he can’t describe love as it means
that life becomes meaningless
- Lack of remorse
- After Arab
- does not regret act: je ne regrettais pas beaucoup mon acte"
- no reaction to violence
- after R beats up girl, Marie loses appetite but M eats as if nothing happened
- difficulty interpreting emotions
- Mum death
- more concerned about when telegram left
- does think of mum when he hears Salamano crying so subconsciously associates pain with mum's death
- focuses on facts such as how guillotine works instead of confronting emotions
- key quote: j'avais une nature telle que mes besoins physiques dérangeaient
souvent mes sentiments
- amorality vs immorality
- has conscience and feels judgement of others
- when asks for days off from boss he says that it's not his fault that his mum has died, but then he says "je n'aurais pas dû dire cela"
- when he says he doesn't want to see the body "je sentais que je n'aurais pas dû dire cela"
- decides whether smoking in front of mother is bad "cela n'avait aucune importance"
- anger at judgement + blind certainty
- aucune de ses certitudes ne valait un cheveu d'une femme
- je ne pouvais pas accepter cette certitude insolente- when he has been sentenced
- il avait l'air si certain, n'est-ce pas?
- j'ai cru qu'ils me reprochait quelque chose
- j'ai eu un moment l'impression ridicule qu'ils étaient là pour me juger
- Asile "J'ai cru qui'il me reprochait quelque chose et j'ai commencé à lui
expliquer" says to director cos he thinks he is judging him
- amoral
- does not regret death of Arab, more of an inconvenience
- Relationship with physical/natural world vs society
- discomfort with human interactions
- when on bus to funeral he sleeps and when he wakes up he is asked if he
has come a long way and he replies yes "pour n'avoir plus à parler"
- ils m'auraient posé des questions et je n'aime pas cela
- at peace with nature
- c'était une belle journée qui se préparait
- j'avais tout le ciel dans les yeux
- le ciel était vert, je me sentais content
- rel with man-made (feels oppressed)
- "l'éclat de la lumière sur les murs blancs me faitguait"
- Meursault as narrator
- written in first person
- supports atheist view
- 3rd person traditionally in
Fr lit is omniscient which is
what God supposedly is
therefore would be against
Camus ideology to write in
3rd person
- effect of diary
- no connectives + causal phrases as they give depth + meaning, does not analyse events so reflects contingent view of world
- Sartre ‘chaque phrase de l’étranger est une île’
- Rarely uses phrases of causality, gives staccato, detached
- openness to perfect tense
- e.g."je lui ai répondu" begs question, what did you reply/what happened next. Even more so in Fr than Eng because they have past historic
- supports idea that nothing fixed or definite, reflects contingent view of world
- creates uncertainty about life or future
- existentialism
- does not believe in God