Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Religion Renewal and Choice
- Existential
- Norris and Englehart - reject religious
market theory as it only applies to America.
Failing to explain variations in different
societies they argue that differences in
religiosity are because of differences in the
feeling that survival is secure enough that
it can be taken for granted.
- Religion meets this need for security. so in societies where people feel secure we would
expect low demand for religion. In poor societies - high religious participation they have
high levels of insecurity becuase of famine, disease and disasters so they turn to religion for
answers. In rich societies - low levels of religious participation as a high standard of living
means where is less risk and a greater sense of security
- Believe the demand
for religion is not
constant as Stark and
Bainbridge suggest
but fluctuates within
and between
societies. Demand is
greatest in low
income groups and
societies because
they are less secure.
Explains why 3rd
world countries
remain religious
while 1st world
countries have
become more secular
- Note that global population
growth undermines the trend
towards secularisation, as the
growth rate is slowest in 1st
world countries but highest in 3rd
world countries with a faster
growth rate making the majority
of world more religious
- Europe VS America
- equal and
secure in the
world a
welfare state
which reduces
- unequal between the
rich and poor with an
individualistic "dog eat
dog" attitude creating
high levels of insecurity
and religious
- Gill and Lundegaarde - found
that a more a country spends
on welfare provisions the lower
the levels of religious
participation. As religion used
to provide these services now
the state does society has
become more secular. Religion
will not disappear completely
as state welfare may solve the
security crisis but does not
answer the ultimate questions
about life.
- Criticism of Stark and Bainbridge is the case Uruguay which has lots of religious
diversity but low levels of religious participation. A free market therefore
doesnt stimulate participation because Uruguay has generous welfare
provisions which supports existential security theory.
- Evaluation - (Vasquez) ignores
the positives reasons of why
people maybe religious. Only
use quantitative data about
income levels they don't
examine peoples own
definitions of how insecure
they feel. To be improved and
existential security theory
accepted we must use
qualitative data
- Religious Market Theory
- Stark and Bainbridge - critical of
secularisation theory as they believe it to
be ethnocentiric (too Westernised) Only
focuses on the decline of religion in
Europe disregarding its vitality in
America and elsewhere. Secularisation
theory therefore paints a distorted view
of the world there was never a "golden
age" of religion in the past in the same
way we cannot predict religions end
when everyone will be atheist.
- Offer religious market
theory based on two
assumptions. 1) people
are naturally religious as
religion meets human
needs, overall demand
religion is high but the
particular types may vary.
2) In human nature to
seek rewards and avoid
costs people weigh up
decisions based on this
- Religion is attractive as it provides us with compensators, these are
explanations when questions need to be answered. If real rewards are
unobtainable or scare religion compensates by offering supernatural rewards.
- Unlike secularisation
theory and just the decline
of religion Stark and
Bainbridge offer a historical
cycle of religious decline,
revival and renewal. E.G
established Churches
decline leaving a gap for
Sects and Cults to attract
new followers.
Secularisation theory is too
one sided by ignoring the
growth of new religions.
- Use the analogy of Churches as companies to explain how they operate and sell their
"goods." Competition between religions doesn't undermine beliefs but leads to
improvements in the quality of religions "goods" on offer. Churches must make their
"products" more attractive if they are to succeed in gaining and maintaining regular
"customers." The Churches which don't meet their members needs decline.
- Demand for religion increases when
there are different sorts to choose from.
However if there is a religious monopoly
there is religious decline as the Church
has no incentive to provide people with
what they desire.
- America - religious participation is high
because of the healthy religious market that
exists. A variety of denominations to choose
from because of the weak link between state
and church, so religions can grow and decline
according to consumer demand.
- Europe - dominated
by an official state
church there has
always been a
religious monopoly
E.G Church of
England. Competition
has not been able to
flourish so the lack of
choice has lead to a
decline in beliefs
- To conclude they see supply as
the main factor for influcening
levels of religious participation
rather than demand as
secularisation theory suggest.
Participation increase when an
ample supply of religious groups
is avaliable but declines if choice
is restricted. Simialrly this
decline is not a universal trend
but confined to certain types of
- Criticisms
- Bruce - statistics show that diversity
has been accompanied by religious
decline in both Europe and America.
He rejects this diversity/compeition
view. Argues Stark and Bainbridge mis
represent secularisation theory.
- Norris and
Englehart - countries
that do offer
religious pluralism
still have low levels
of participation.
- Beckford - religious
market theory
assumes people are
naturally religious
failing to explain why
people stop believing
or make poor choices,
it is therefore
- Postmodernity
and Religion
- Reject secularisation theory as religion is
not declining but changing. This is
because of the shift from modern to late
modern or for some postmodern society.
These increases in consumerism and
individualism have caused this shift and a
change in religious participation
- Lyon - The growth of
increased importance
of the media and
consumerism has given
way to a variety of new
religious forms
- Globalisation which is the
increased interconnectedness of
societies has changed the very
nature of religion. Lead to the
relocation of religion as religious
ideas cross national boundaries.
The media saturates people
with images from around the
world which promotes
previously isolated religions.
- Religion is therefore
"disembedded" as ideas
are lifted out of local
contexts and transferred to
a different time and place.
E.G the Harvest Day
Crusade was held in
Disneyland not at Church.
The boundaries between
different area of social life
have become blurred in
postmodern society.
- Religion is also
the signs and images
which represent it
have become
detached, free
floating in cyber
space as a cultural
resource which
people can adapt for
their own purposes.
- Religious
Consumerism - we
construct our
identities through
what we consume.
- Just like Hervieu-Leger's
notion of spiritual shopping
we can choose the religious
beliefs we suit our needs. Pic
n Mix different elements
from the religious market
place creating an
individualised religion. This
relocation of religion to the
sphere of consumption has
meant people may cease to
belong to one organisation
but they have not abandoned
their beliefs entirely. Instead
make conscious choices
about their beliefs acting as
"religious consumers"
- Nancy Amerman - American Christian Fundamentalists showed that many
family's use a number of Churches without giving strong loyalty to a single one.
This therefore shows how people decide which elements to take from different
religions, in order to construct their identity. One family used the bereavement
counselling of a Baptist Church but attended the Sunday service at a Methodist
- Bellah - Sheilaism demonstrates
the idea of individualised
religion. Everyone has their own
individual interpretations,
holding religious beliefs without
ever practicing them in public.
Sheila an interviewed nurse
described it as " my own little
voice carrying you a long way."
Supports religion changing
rather than declining as people
create their own belief systems
in order to nurture their own
spiritual development
- Re-enchantment of the world
- there has been a growth of
unconventional beliefs,
practices and spiritually. So
although traditional religion
maybe declining rapidly in
Europe the growing vitality
non-traditional religions in
the West and elsewhere
supports Postmodernism and
the idea that religion is
- Criticisms
- Unlikely that religious
media such as
Televangelism attracts
new converts instead it
confirms peoples
existing beliefs
- Buce - The consumerist religion put forward by Lyon is
weak as it has little effect on the lives of its followers.
Therefore evidence in support of secularisation theory
not for the continuing vitality of religion
- Davie - Believing
- Religion has become privatised in which people
still hold religious beliefs but don't attend Church
to express them. A matter of choice to go rather
than obligation too. Created a trend of "vicarious
religion" where a small number of professional
clergy represent a large number of people. This
group of believers still turn to express their faith
for rites of passage like weddings and funerals it
may therefore be that people become part of a
religious organisation in times of need
- Supported by Bibby's survey of Canadian, only
25% attended church regularly but 80% still
identified positively with religious traditions
- Secularisation theory assumes that
modernisation affects all aspects of society in
an identical way. Davie argues there are
actually multiple modernities as church
attendance remains high in America but low
in Britain. This shows that modernity doesn't
always result in the decline of religion with
science being its replacement both belief
systems can continue to co exist.
- Criticisms
- Voas and
Crockett- decline
in both Church
attendance AND
belief in God.
- Bruce - people are
not willing toinvest
time in going to
church then they are
not going to invest
"effort" in their
beliefs. If the strength
of their beliefs
diminish then their
desire to belong also
declines and they
break way from any
religious involvement
- Vicarious religion provides evidence of
believing without belonging as it shows a
"tip of the iceberg effect." People are
drawn to church in times of national
tragedy (Death of Princess Diana)
- Supply-led Religion
- A range of studies supports
Stark and Bainbridge and their
view that the demand for
religion is seriously influenced
by the quality and variety on
offer. Taking into account the
extent to which the religion
adapts to respond to members
- Hadden and Shupe - the growth of
televangelism in America indicates
that participation is supply led. The
commercial funding of religious
broadcast opened up competition in
which the Evangelical Church
thrived. This commercial enteprise
meant televangelism repsonded to
consumer demand by preaching a
"prosperity gospel"
- Finke - Lifting restrictions of Asian immigration into
America allowed Hare Krishna and meditation to be
established these faiths became another option which
was popular with consumers in the marketpalce.
- Evangelical Megachurches - these
Churches contain congregations of
2,000 or more people with most being
located in either America or South
Koera they are able to have lavish
resources offering a vast range of
activites to meet the diverse needs of
their members.
- Late Modernity
and Religion
- Hervieu-Leger -
Spiritual Shopping and
- Has a similar theme to that of Davie. There has been a dramatic
decline in religion in Europe. A cultural amnesia, this loss of
collective memory is the result of religious beliefs no longer being
passed down from generation to generation. An increase in social
equality has undermined the tradtional power of the Church; as
young people don't inherit a fixed religious identity, nor is it
imposed upon them. This means traditional insitutional religion
have declined but New Age movements have blossomed.
- People have become spiritual shoppers as religion continues
through consumerism. Religion is now individualised as people
choose which elements they want to be apart of. As this
consumerism has replaced a collective tradition, religion has
become a personal spiritual journey. Hervieu-Leger identifies 2
new religious types as a response to this change
- Pilgrims - follow an individual
path of self discovery E.G New
Age spirituality organisations
like mediation
- Converts - join these
religious groups as they
provide a strong sense
of belonging, recreating
the feeling of a
community E.G Ethnic
Minority churches
- Religion does
continue to have an
influence on society's
values for example
teachings which
reflect the Human
Rights Act. This
provides social
solidarity as even
those not actively
involved in religion
still believe in these