Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Livy, History of Rome (coloured)
- Aeneas x Lavinia -> son called Ascanius
- Trojans vs Latins
- Turnus (prince of Rutuli) defeated by Aeneas & Latinus.
- Latinus people lost leader
- Turnus joined with Mezentius (king of Etruscans)
- The Etruscans had a lot of power
- Aeneas joined with Latinus' people with name "Latins".
- strong bond formed between Trojan and Latinus people
- Latins + Aeneas fight Etruscans and WIN
- Aeneas dies (buried @ Numicus)
- Ascanius = too young for authority THEREFORE
Lavinia instead
- Nobody really knew the origin of Ascanius --> he left to find a new settlement on Alban Hills
- found ALBA LONGA (founded 30 years after Lavinium)
- A treaty was formed between Latins & Etuscans: river Albula (now tiber) = territory boundary
- by Phoebe Farrelly
- Ascanius descendant = Proca ----> who had 2 sons
- Numitor: eldest &
left for Silvian
- Numitor has children: Rhea Silvia (vestal virgin) & twin sons
- Amulius: seized the
- Amulius flung Rhea into prison & ordered
twins to be drowned in river
- DESTINY intervened & river Tiber overflowed & flooded -> preventing twin drownling
- deed-men abandoned infants by the first flood-water found (nowadays a fig tree)
- Infants cared for by she-wolf
- Faustulus (kings herdsman) found infants and brought them back to his hut
where his wife (Larentia) nursed them
- Amulius forces Rhea to become a Vestal Virgin
- Rhea declared Mars as father which angered Amulius
- (she cannot have predecessors)
- When fully grown, the twins (Romulus & Remus) were
strong & attacked robbers & shared goods
- This annoyed Brigands - thus they set traps and managed to catch Remus
- who was then handed over to Amulius
- Faustulus suspected all along he brought up royal children & was unwilling to declare information
- tells Numitor the whole story
- Amulius hands Remus to Numitor to kill
- Romulus (w/ herdsmen) met at King's house & killed the King
- Beforehand, Numitor (now aware the twins are his
grandchildren) pretended an enemy had broken into town
which drew off Military men to garrison the inner fortress
(thus helping Romulus and Remus)
- Romulus & Remus were known as Royal
- Alba had excess population so they sought a new settlement in the location of
their "drowning"/where they were brought up
- as they didn't know who seniority belonged to (they were twins) they waited for a Augury ('omen')
- Remus got the FIRST sign (6 vultures)
- Romulus recieved double (12 birds)
- Remus killed & Romulus obtained power
- thus ROME
- Palatine Hill
- Aventine