Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Evolution of Leadership Theories
- Trait Theory/Great Man Theory (Turn of the 20th
- Born with inherited traits
- The Big 5 Theory ('60 throough '90's)
- Openness to experience (imaginative)
- Conscientiousness (dependable)
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism(anxious)
- Behavioral Theories (1950's) [Two Primary Types]
- Theory Y (Concern for people)
- Theory X (Concern for Production )
- Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton '64) - Leadership Grid (Blake & McCanse '91)
- Motivational Theories (Existed for over 100 years)
- Content Motivation
- Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow '40's)
- Two Factor Theory (Herzerg 60's)
- Aquired Needs Theory (McClelland '61)
- Process Motivation
- Equity Theory (Adams '65)
- Expectancy Theory (Porter & Lawler '68--Vroom '64)
- Goal Setting Theory
- Contingency Leadership Theory (Fiedler 60's) -How well leaders style fits job
- Leadership is task related
- Situation matches leaders style
- Integrative (Mid
- Combined styles of:
- Trait Theory
- Behaviorial Theory
- Contingency Theory
- Tansformational Theory (Burns '78 & Bond '85)
- Leadership identifies change, creates vision, & guides change effort
- Strategic leadership (Ongoing for over 25 years)
- Specific organizational strategies
- Charismatic leadership (ongoing with resurgence in 90's)
- Leader offers transformative vision
- Crisis Leadership ('90's)
- Leader is prepared for crisis
- Transactional Theory
- Compliance promoted by leader through rewards, and punishments
- Traits suited for leadership
- Interest lagged in the '50's and re-emerged in the '80's