Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Athenian Society
- the greek polis
- piraeus
- the agora
- the acropolis
- the pynx
- geography and climate
- structure of
athenian society
- four census classes
- the pentacosiomedimni
- hippies
- zeugitae
- thetes
- role of the military
- military training
and service
- the strategoi
- the cavalry
- the hoplites
- thetes
- roles of metics
- work
- status
- legal
- social
- religion
- role of slaves
- rights
- work
- private household
- farming
- industry
- commerce
- silver mines
- roles and status of women
- passive/ indirect role
- active/ direct role
- cooking
- spinning and weaving
- collecting water
- child rearing
- supervising slaves
- managing the
family budget
- position of women in society
- legal
- social
- segregation
- marriage and divorce
- activities outside
the home
- non athenian women
- metic women
- slave women
- archaeological evidence
- role of citizens in
Athenian society