Zusammenfassung der Ressource
CI chapter 4 Culture intelligence at workplace
- impacts
- Technology
- Safety (great difficulty with conditions of uncertainty)vs risk taking
- Stability vs innovation and change
- Managerial attitudes
- Centralized decision making(top managers make all important
decisions) vs decentralized decision making(middle and lower lvl
manager can make key deicisions
- Informal procedures vs formal procedures (follow rigidly)
- Employees behaviour
- Individual rewards vs group rewards
- High(identify strongly with organization) vs low
organizational loyalty (people identify with their
occupational group e.g. engineer)
- Hofstede culture models management practices
- Power distance
(how cultures deal
with inequality)
- High
- Inequality is good, everyone has a place
- Employees expect to be told what to do,
power is centralized
- Low
- Decentralized power
- Uncertainty avoidance (tolerance of being open,the way that a society deals
with the fact that the future can never be known)
- High
- abide by rules
- structured system
- Low
- risk taking
- train to adapt
- Individualism
- High
- everyone is expected to look after
themselves and immediate family
- Individual achievement is ideal
- Low (collectivist society)
- Integrate into strong cohesive in-groups from birth
- Believes one's identity is based on group membership
- Group decision making is best
- Look after one another in exchange for loyalty
- Masculinity (emphasis on work goals or personal goals)
- High/ Masculine
- driven by competition,
achievement and success, with
success defined as winner
- Low/ Feminine
- Caring for others and quality of lif quality
of life is the sign of success and standing
out from the crowd is not admirable
- High/ Masculine
- driven by competition, achievement and
success, success being defined as winner
- Low/ Feminine
- Caring for others and quality of life is important
- quality of life is the sign of success and
standing out from the crowd is not admirable
- Long term orientated
- Long term orientation
- Long term orientation
- sensitivity to social relationships
- promotion is base on seniority and loyalty
- invest in long term employment skills
- value patience, saving, thrift, investing for the future,
acceptance of slow results
- Selection of employees is base on fit of personal
and educational characteristics to the company
- Short term orientation
- Focus on immediate usable skills
- Results in high employee turnover rates
- short -term rewards that focus on pay and rapid promotion
- often use quick layoffs of excess employees