Zusammenfassung der Ressource
B1 - Diet, Disease + Drugs
- Diet and Disease
- Healthy Diet
- Contains the right amount +
proportions of NUTRIENTS + energy
that the body needs
- No Balanced Diet
- Malnourished
- Food Contains
- Carbohydrates,
Fats + Protein
- Uses in Body
- Release Energy
- Provide Nutrients
to build Cells
- Mineral Ions + Vitamins
- Needed in Small Amounts
so cells can work properly
- Effects on Health from Food
- Overweight or Underweight
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Controlling Mass
- Metabolic Rate
- The rate at which all the chemical reactions are carried out in the body
- Affected by
- Muscle
- Exercise
- Inherited Factors
- Men usually have higher rate than women of same mass
- Muscle cells use more energy than other cells
- Energy
- Body gains energy from eating food
- Energy used during exercise
- Balance between energy taken in +
energy used affects your mass
- More energy used than gained in food
- Body loses mass
- More energy gained than used
- Body gains mass
- Lifestyle + Disease
- Lifestyle
- The way we live, including
what we eat and do which
affects how active we are
- Lifestyle factors can harm health + lead to disease
- Someone who exercises regularly is more likely to stay healthy than a person who doesn't
- Inherited Factors
- Not lifestyle factors but can affect health
- eg. some people have genes that give them higher blood cholesterol than others
- Pathogens and Infection
- Microorganisms that cause disease = PATHOGENS
- Pathogens include bacteria and viruses
- Pathogens can reproduce
rapidly once inside body
- Large Numbers of Pathogens make us ill
- Semmelweis
- Doctor in mid-1800s
- Wondered why many women died of infection after childbirth
- Insisted doctors wash hands between patients
- Immune System
- Body has different
ways to protect itself
against Pathogens
helps protect body
against pathogens
part of Immune System
- Antibodies
+ are specific to a pathogen
- This means they can only
destroy that kind of pathogen
- They can't destroy any other kind of
bacteria or virus
- Immunisiation
- Makes someone
immune to
certain disease
- Vaccination
- Someone Immune by Vaccine
- MMR VACCINE makes children immune to Measles,
Mumps + Rubella for the rest of their lives
- Vaccine
- 1. Vaccine contains a dead or weakened form of disease
- 2. Causes White Blood Cells make antibodies
- 3. White Blood Cells can remember the
antibodies if the live pathogen infects
- Mutations of Pathogens
- 1. Produces new strain of pathogen
- 2. Antibodies against the old strain
may not recognise the new strain
- 3. People vaccinated against old strain not
immune to new strain
- 4. New Strain may spread rapidly
causing epidemic/pandemic
- Treating Diseases
- Some medicines, eg.
Painkillers, only treat symtoms
- Cannot kill Pathogens
- Antiboitics
- Using
- Kills Pathogens
- Specific antibiotic treats
a specific bacteria
- Deaths have decreased since antibiotics
- Antibiotic Resistance
- 1. Mutation can produce new
antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria
- 2. When used
non-resistant bacteria die
- 3. Resistant bacteria
increases, new
antibiotic needed
- 4. No new
bacteria spreads
- Cultures
- Disinfectants + Antibiotics can be
studied using cultures of microrganisms
- Other microorganisms from
the air can contaminate
- Prevention of
- 1. Sterilise
- kills microorganisms
- 2. Sterilise Inoculating Loops
- Sealing Petri Dish
- Stops microorganisms from getting in
- Drugs
- New Drugs
- Chemicals that affect
how the body works
- New MEDICAL DRUGS must be tested before they can be
- 1. Possible Drug made
- 2. Computer Simulation - cells
- reduces animal testing
- 3. Cells, Tissue - toxin works
- 4. Research - focus on diseases
- 5. Animal - living organisms/ side effects
- 6. Long-term use - effects
- 7. i) Human - safety
- Healthy, small number of patients
- ii) Small number - disease - effective, safe
- iii) Large number
- iv) Long-term
- 8. Licence
- Good Medicine
- Safe
- Stable
- Taken in + Removed by body
- Effective
- Placebo
- Some trials, given Placebo
- Does not contain drug
- Results compared to results with drug
- Thalidomide + Statins
- Medical Drugs
- Using
- 1. Developed as a Sleeping Pill
- 2. Also used to treat morning
sickness during pregnancy
- 3. Caused severe limb deformities in babies
- 4. Thalidomide was banned
- treats Leprosy, Auto-immune diseases + Cancer
- Recreational Drugs
- Used for effect
not medical
- Cannabis
- Usually burned + smoke breathed in
- Smoke contains chemials
- Causes mental illness for regular users
- Addiction
- Some drugs, eg. heroin + cocaine, very addictive
- Changes Chemical Processes in body which
makes someone dependant on the drug
- Use more of the drug to gain effect
- Stop using drug - withdrawal symptoms
- Drugs and Health
- Drugs evaluated by
comparing beneficial
+ harmful effects
- Decides which has greater impact
- Impact of Drugs
- More people treated in Hospital for effects
of legal drugs, eg. tobacco + alcohol, than
use of illegal drugs
- Because more people
smoke or misuse alcohol
- More suffer harm from
tobacco + alcohol
- Drugs in Sport
- Some drugs affect
Sporting Performance
- Stimulants
- Increase rate of
body functions
- eg. Heart Rate
- Anabolic Steriods
- Stimulate
muscle growth
- Bans in Sport
- Use to improve performance in
sport competition - considered
- Reasons
- Side effects harm athletes
- Drugs give unfair advantage over other athletes
- Some drugs affect
performances are legal + can
be prescribed
- Still banned in Sport Competitions