History And Culture


work of the history and culture class
Marcela Lira
Mindmap von Marcela Lira, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Marcela Lira
Erstellt von Marcela Lira vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

History And Culture
  1. Zury Rios
    1. party name:VIVA,logo:"I am committed to Guatemala",
      1. Politician: in 1989 she joined the public relations departament
    2. Miguel Angel Sandoval
      1. Party Name: URNG,Logo:#Guate has changed
        1. politician:political analyst
      2. Jose Angel Lopez
        1. Party name:Encuentro por Guatemala,Logo:#lets change the history
          1. Politician:Banker
        2. Sandra Torres
          1. party name: UNE,logo: she didnt has
            1. politician:is the Guatemalan politician who was the first lady of Guatemala
          2. Jimmy Morales
            1. Party name: FCN,Logo:"is my heart"
              1. politician: He is an actor,witer,producer,director and political
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