Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Application in Sterile Services Unit
- Create learning forums with Technicians, Educators and Managers from aroung New Zealand via email and skype. Can build up a network to discuss common
problems in our sterilising units around New Zealand. Everyone will have an equal voice to contribute and suggest ideas for improvement,
what has worked or not worked for them in the past.
- Encourage technicians to research a topic of interest to Sterile Services. This can involve using worldwide websites such as the World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply, the NZ Sterile Services Association,
and the Sterilising Research and Advisory Council of Australia. Look at Australia/New Zealand, ISO and American Standards to determine best practice and suggest improvements to be implemented in
our unit.
- Working with online training partners such as Moodle, CLAD
NZ and WFHSS.com to enrol technicians in online courses.
These can be regularly reviewed and new online training tools
can be included as they become available.
- Key Principles
- This is the learning theory of the 'Age of the Internet'
- Developed mid 2000's as a reaction to how people are learning in this digital age
- Learning has become less internal - we can use digital technology to store knowledge remotely for us, and we need to be able to access it when required.
- Less importance on technical hands on skill. Know How and Know What become Know Where
- Is a lifelong learning theory. People can learn throughout their life, not limited to schools or universities.
- Learning becomes accessible 24/7, as long as there is a network connection
- Making social and cultural connections online
- Emphasis on diverse opinions, social and cultural influences on a global scale
- Learning is seen as a journey, more important than the destination. Learning
where and how to access the knowledge when required is more of a skill than
the content learned.
- It is important to build up networks, contacts and resources, and learning how to create, nurture and maintain networks is important
- Decision making becomes a part of the learning process. For example as informationcan change so
rapidly, learning what to learn and what to disregard becomes a skill
- The right answer may only be "right for now", knowledge is constantly in a state of being updated and revised.
- Advantages in Sterile Services Unit
- Encourages technicians to develop a wider NZ and world view of issues in Sterilsation. As
Standards and practices are regularly being reviewed and updated worldwide, it is important our
technicians realise the wider implications of the work they do.
- Sterile Service Technicians are getting younger, and are of the digital generation. This type of learning connects with a lot of people, over traditional book learning.
- It encourages technicians to research areas of sterilisation practice
they are interested in. We may not have the knowledge or experience in
the staff in our unit to answer some of these questions.
- As technicians learn and develop connections, they can
contribute to others education by contributing what they have
learnt to others in the network.
- As technicians work 24/7 shifts, the Educators are not always at work with them, or they may be too tired to
take part in traditional training sessions at work. Learning to access online learning tools allows staff to learn
when it suits them, in their own time.
- Disadvantages in Sterile Services Unit
- Connectivism is still a very new learning theory, so the benefits have
not been fully understood on how this impacts learning.
- Not everyone is comfortable using digital technology. There are still more
mature Sterile Services technicians in the unit who struggle with basic
computer skills.
- There is a dependance on technology - what happens when it fails? Researched information can be locked away and unable to be accessed. Required information may not be
retained mentally and cannot be recalled without help from the technology. There is a potential for those who become dependant on this type of learning to be stuck and not have
the capabilities to access manual learning materials such as textbooks.
- There is the potential for technicians to want to implement new practices from other
units or from worldwide, that are not acceptable practice under the Australian/New
Zealand Standards. There needs to be a balance in place to help them think about what
they have learnt and to understand why this may not be possible in our unit.
- Technology can change very rapidly, and the DHB may not be able to keep investing
financially. For example, if we invest in ipads for use in the unit instead of using
more traditional learning materials, they could become obsolete within a
matter of years.