Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Chapter 15: Advertising and Public
- Advertising
- 4 important decisions when
developing an advertising program
- 1. Objectives setting
- 3 different advertising objectives
- to inform (information advertising) for
introducing new products
- to persuade (persuasive advertising)
for when competition gets tough
- to remind (reminder advertising)
for mature products
- 2. Budget decision
- 3. Developing an advertising strategy
(message decisions + media decisions)
- Selecting Adveritising Media
- 4 Major steps
- 1. Deciding on reach, frequeny and impact
- 2. Choosing among major media types
- 3. Selecting specific media vehicles
- 3 Media effectiveness factors
- audience quality
- audience engagement
- editorial quality
- 4. Deciding on media timing
- a. decide how to schedule the advertising
over the course of the year
- b. choose the pattern of the ads
- 2 types of patterns
- continuity (scheduling ads evenly within a given period)
- pulsing (scheduling ads unevenly over a given time period)
- 4. Advertising Evaluation
- advertisers should regularly evaluate two types of advertising results
- communication effects
- sales and profits effects