Zusammenfassung der Ressource
All The Qualities That Make
Me Perfect For Being A
Computer Software Engineer
- Values
- Computer software engineers create things such as games or programs for the computer,
and they can't create a big program by themselves, so they work in teams. I value
friendship as shown in my values survey, and being friendly is a must as a computer
software engineer, since most of the time, I will be working with a group of people.
- Interests
- Computer software engineers spend all day working with computers, and
that is one of my biggest interests. I spend a lot of time using computers
for either school work, programming, or the occasional game, and
computer software engineers work is to code different software such as
games, programs or functions for a computer.
- Computer software engineers use mathematics on a daily
basis in their code, since programming requires you to know
math to be able to code. One of my interests is math, and this
will help me in programming since I will already know the
math I need before I begin programming.
- Multiple
- I am very logically/mathematically intelligent,
which will help me in programming since math is
used extensively in code. This will help me find
patterns in code faster, I will enjoy working with
numbers or data, and this gives me a definite
ability working with computers. I am also always
looking for a reason to why things happen, which
will let me get to the roots of code I am trying to
understand faster.
- Personality
- I have a very investigative personality, which is what a computer
software engineer needs to succeed. Computer software
engineers need to be investigative enough to indulge in and
unravel code, and investigate new ways to utilize or create code
- A computer software engineer must be artistic enough to make
their code nice and compact, which requires an artistic touch,
because code would not look nice if made without any regard to
how it is spaced out (For example a paragraph would not look
nice if it did not have indents, or spaces in between words). I have
an artistic personality and this is great for programming.
- Learning
- Computer software engineers look at screens of code, and images of
the final product that they have created. They also learn from
computers and learn everything visually, which makes it very good
that I am a visual learner and learn best when looking at something.