Professional Accountancy Travels Across the Globe


Darling Pineda
Darling Pineda
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Professional Accountancy Travels Across the Globe
  1. George Watson (1645-1723), one of the early accountants.
    1. England prospered thanks to the Industrial Revolution, being the main producer worldwide, obtaining a demand for meters.
      1. In 1880 the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales was formed. This institute had 587 registered members.
        1. In the late 1800s, large amounts of British capital were flowing to the rapidly growing industries in the United States.
          1. Scottish and British accountants traveled to the United State to audit the investments,some settled down set up practice in America.
            1. In 1887, the first national accounting society was formed - the American Association of Public Accountants, predecessor to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
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