Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Staff to client ratio
- Back up & emergency plans (e.g. snow plan)
- Duty Carer Role
- MJ/CS able to cover calls
- Multi skills/trained
office team
- Alternate Agencies
- Family cover and
prioritisation based on
client needs
- Qualifications
- Training of staff
- Carers communication channels
- Office Team trained on Dementia
Phone calls are reported to families
- Care Certificate
- Observations/Handovers
- Buddy System
- Tailored approach for
different levels
- Training based on client feedback -
suggestions/complaints/compliments are
acted on regularly to improve services (NICE 1.7.7)
- Refresh & Develop
knowldege opportunities -
annual updates/ access to
free training/ NVQ (NICE
- The Doris 10 Step process
- Turnover
- Transition Periods
- July - October
Uni/College Starters
- Over Recruit during
Summer to ensure there are
- School Half Terms
- Forward Planning
Postcoded Areas (T164)
- Staffing Level
- Exit Interview (T169)
- Vacancies
- Values Based Recruitment
- Tailored training for CV screening in HR team
- Numercay tests - at application stage
- Involving clients/staff in interview process
- Staff Handovers (T182)
- Auditing - safety checks that risk
assessments created at the start are still
- Excellent skill base - specialist support available
OT/Physio/Complex Health (NICE 1.7.5) Care Plans reflect
Mobility & Exercise & OT tasks (E)
- Outcome of this - good hydration, better
mobility, reduced time for improved,
mobility, confidence on going out and
being safe at home, mental health
stabilised, medication administered on
time - stabilising
- T075 Observation Form (to be updated) but in practice
- Client Selection based on Skill mix
within the company (T116)
- T171 - Family Carers Supporting their needs
- Responding to difficult situations OOH
flag if carers have had issues, the
management team would regularly
flag if this needed a phone call.
Supervisions used regularly to identify
changes in behaviour (carers), holiday
suggested dates for w/l balance NICE 1.7.10
- Supervision Forms sent to carers NICE 1.7.11
- Gathering feedback from
clients for carers work as well as
compliments/complaints we
recieve NICE 1.7.13
- Call Monitoring - constant
review of stats/ weekly
close and data
- Email Mgmt -
central inbox for
Roster team/Client
- Using
to drive change - regular
reviewed, used as
examples at training
- Homecare UK Top 10
- Director Level
Involvement for
every function
- Finance
- Board Meeting -
Email out/suggestion box
- Small Details on Care Plans and on
handover form (T182)
- Compassionate behaviour to clients
lives, families stresses etc - training
on telephone answering with
"difficult behaviour"
- Training around dignity,
compassion, privacy included in
each subject area
- Sharing information
where necessary on
clients/families where
sensitive things may be
- NO GOSSIP, not labelling,
non judgemental behaviour
and training for ALL staff
- Care Free Hours
- Weekly Client Services Meeting (T178)
- Interpreting Data Call
Monitoring - Long/Shorts
- Care Plan Reviews
- Complaints
- Managing Expectations
Providing information from
- Providing log ons to client families in response to timing
complaints (and at the start so they can provide proactive
feedback vs reactive)
- Compliments
- Assisting clients to
- Adapting visit times to allow
for church visits
- Reducing isolated Clients by suggesting
outings - 3 NEW success stories in the last
- Being alert to client deterioration
- Client Condition/Base
changing we find new
relevant training
- Managing Concerns &
Complaints - structured
process with multiple
layers to effectively
- T105 in clients folders &
Carer induction packs T106
tell us what you think form,
encouraged to complete
- What does it mean to CQC?
What does it mean to DJL?